ad hoc 的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. made or happening only for a particular purpose or need, not planned before it happens: 2. made…。了解更多。
#2. Ad hoc Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Ad hoc literally means "for this" in Latin, and in English this almost always means "for this specific purpose". Issues that come up in the course of a project ...
Ad hoc 是一個拉丁文常用短語。這個短語的意思是「特設的、特定目的的(地)、即席的、臨時的、將就的、專案的」。這個短語通常用來形容一些特殊的、不能用於其它方面 ...
#4. Ad hoc Definition & Meaning |
Ad hoc is one of those Latin phrases commonly found in academic, law, and government contexts. It literally means “for this (thing).” Where does ad hoc come ...
#5. Ad hoc definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
An ad hoc activity or organization is not planned in advance, but is done or formed only because a particular situation has made it necessary. The Council meets ...
#6. ad hoc - Dictionary Definition :
Ad hoc comes from the Latin words meaning "for this." Often the term is used as a criticism, in the sense that something done ad hoc is done hastily and can be ...
#7. ad hoc - Longman Dictionary
ad hoc meaning, definition, what is ad hoc: not planned, but arranged or done only w...: Learn more.
#8. What does "ad hoc" mean? | Ask The Editor - Learner's ...
Ad hoc is a word that originally comes from Latin and means “for this” or "for this situation." In current American English it is used to describe something ...
#9. AD HOC (adjective) definition and synonyms - Macmillan ...
Definition of AD HOC (adjective): not planned, just done when needed.
#10. Ad-hoc Meaning | Best 14 Definitions of Ad-hoc - YourDictionary
Ad -hoc meaning · For the specific purpose, case, or situation at hand and for no other. · Formed for or concerned with one specific purpose. · Improvised and often ...
#11. AD HOC | Meaning & Definition for UK English |
Created or done for a particular purpose as necessary. 'the discussions were on an ad hoc basis'. More example sentences.
#12. Ad-hoc - The Free Dictionary
adv. 1. for the special purpose or end presently under consideration. adj. 2. concerned or dealing with a specific purpose or end: an ad hoc committee.
#13. Ipsos Encyclopedia - Ad Hoc Research
Ad hoc is a Latin phrase meaning "for this" or "as and when" required. It thus signifies a solution designed for a specific problem or task, a tailor-made ...
#14. ad hoc - Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
Oxford Collocations DictionaryAd hoc is used with these nouns: basis; committee; explanation … ... Word OriginLatin, literally 'to this'. Questions about grammar ...
#15. Ad hoc Meaning - YouTube
#16. synonyms for ad hoc -
Find 5 ways to say AD HOC, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, ... See definition of ad hoc on
#17. ad hoc - Wiktionary
AdjectiveEdit · For a particular purpose. · Created on the spur of the moment; impromptu. quotations ▽ · (sciences, of a hypothesis) Postulated solely to save a ...
#18. ad hoc - Dictionary of English
ad hoc /ˈæd hɑk, ˈhoʊk/USA pronunciation adj. ... Foreign Termsfor the special purpose or end presently under consideration:a committee formed ad hoc to deal with ...
#19. Ad Hoc | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
This phrases mean “for this purpose only.” Its literal translation from the Latin is “to this.” Common examples are an ad hoc committee or an ad hoc ...
#20. ad hoc - Legal Dictionary
adj. Latin shorthand meaning "for this purpose only." Thus, an ad hoc committee is formed for a specific purpose, usually appointed to solve a particular ...
#21. ad hoc - Meaning in Hindi - Shabdkosh
Ad hoc is a Latin phrase meaning literally 'to this'. In English, it typically signifies a solution for a specific purpose, problem, or task rather than a ...
#22. Definition, Usage, Examples of Ad Hoc Actions - Corporate ...
The term ad hoc is a Latin phrase that literally means to this and is commonly understood as meaning for this purpose.
#23. ad-hoc - Translation into Arabic - examples English - Reverso ...
Translations in context of "ad-hoc" in English-Arabic from Reverso Context: ad hoc, ad hoc committee, ad hoc working group, ad hoc expert.
#24. What is Ad Hoc? - Definition | Meaning | Example - My ...
Definition : Ad hoc is a Latin phrase that means to happening without planning or out of the regular course, for a special or unexpected reason.
#25. ad hoc - APA Dictionary of Psychology
ad hoc for a particular purpose or in response to some particular event or occurrence. For example, an ad hoc committee is convened on a short-term basis to ...
#26. What is Ad Hoc Reporting & The Meaning of Ad Hoc Analysis
Ad Hoc Reporting Definition ... Ad-hoc reporting is a model of business intelligence (BI) in which reports are built and distributed by nontechnical business ...
#27. What is ad hoc? - Definition from
Ad hoc is an adjective used to describe things that are created on the spot, usually for a single use. A Latin term that translates literally as “for this,” ...
#28. Ad hoc survey Definition - OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms
An ad hoc survey is a survey without any plan for repetition.
#29. Definition of ad hoc | PCMag
Meaning "to this" in Latin, it refers to dealing with situations as they occur ... An "ad hoc mobile network" is a communications network in which each node ...
#30. Definition and synonyms of ad hoc in the English dictionary
Ad hoc is a Latin phrase meaning "for this". It generally signifies a solution designed for a specific problem or task, non-generalizable, and not intended ...
#31. What Does Ad Hoc Mean? - Writing Explained
Ad-hoc is an adverb that means for a specific purpose or end. Contents [hide]. 1 Ad Hoc Meaning; 2 Origin of Ad Hoc ...
#32. Etymology, origin and meaning of phrase ad hoc by etymonline
Latin phrase, "to this, with respect to this, for this (specific purpose)," from ad "to" (see ad-) + hoc, neuter accusative of hic "this." Hence, "appointed or ...
#33. ad hoc - definition and meaning - Wordnik
ad hoc : For the specific purpose, case, or situation at hand and for no other.
#34. ad hoc - Urban Dictionary
ad hoc comes from Latin and it means "for this", "created for a cetain purpose". When someone comes up with a reason not to do something or to support an ...
#35. What does Ad hoc mean ? | Legal Choices dictionary
Definition of Ad hoc. Latin phrase - For a particular purpose. For example, a committee set up to deal with a particular situation is an ad hoc committee.
#36. What does "ad hoc" mean in programming? - Stack Overflow
"Ad hoc" is a Latin phrase that can apply to anything, not just programming specifically. It means something that was made up on the fly ...
#37. Ad hoc meaning in Hindi - अड़ मतलब हिंदी में - Hinkhoj
Definition of Ad hoc · for one specific case; "they were appointed ad hoc" · often improvised or impromptu; "an ad hoc committee meeting" · for or concerned with ...
#38. What is Ad Hoc Reporting? - Definition from Techopedia
Ad hoc reporting refers to reports that are put together creatively by users in real-time, rather than pre-designed according to a template. Advertisement ...
#39. What does "ad-hoc" mean? - English Stack Exchange
Ad hoc means (as reported by the OED) "created or done for a particular purpose as necessary." The discussions were on an ad hoc basis.
#40. What Is Ad Hoc Reporting & Analysis? Definition, Benefits ...
Ad hoc, or “as needed,” reporting and analysis tools can empower all employees — from nontechnical leaders to professional data analysts ...
#41. What is Ad Hoc? - Computer Hope
1. A Latin phrase that means "for this," ad hoc is anything designed for a single purpose at hand, rather than being well-formed or ...
#42. Ad Hoc Reviewers - SAGE
Definition of ad hoc: Formed, arranged, or done for a particular purpose only. From Latin, meaning “for this.” An owner (PI, preparer, contacts), ...
#43. Ad-hoc Service Definition | Law Insider
Ad -hoc Service is a term that means both Task-Priced Services and Survey & Quote Services. Although rates for such Services are included in ...
#44. How to Manage Ad Hoc Requests - Clarizen
An ad hoc request in the industry of project management typically indicates a task or job that was unexpected, and therefore, ...
#45. The Basics of Ad Hoc Analysis - Pyramid Analytics
The definition of “ad hoc” is on the spot, or done for a particular purpose as necessary. In BI, the process of ad hoc analysis is to answer ...
#46. AD HOC - Translation in Greek -
Translation for 'ad hoc' in the free English-Greek dictionary and many other Greek translations.
#47. Ad Hoc definition | Psychology Glossary |
Ad hoc is a latin term meaning "for this." It is used to refer to solutions or procedures that are created for "one-time" use or for use to solve a single ...
#48. Ad Hoc Network Definition | Ad Hoc Connection - CompTIA
Connecting two computers does not always require a centrally managed network. Instead, users can set up an ad hoc network between two computers. The two devices ...
#49. ad hoc meaning, definition, examples, origin, synonyms - The ...
Ad hoc is a Latin phrase meaning literally 'to this.' But the expression commonly used as an idiom, which means “for this purpose” and “as needed.” ad hoc ...
#50. Ad Hoc Projects: Definition, Importance and Management Tips
The ad hoc project manager is the one who decides on goals for the project, assigns deadlines and ensures it remains within budget. The ad hoc ...
#51. ad hoc是什麼意思 - 海词词典
ad hoc 的英文翻譯是什麼意思,詞典釋義與在線翻譯:. 英英釋義. Adjective: often improvised or impromptu;. for or concerned with one specific purpose ...
#52. What is Ad-Hoc ? | Meaning & Definition | Keka HR
An Ad Hoc Payment is a payment outside of the normal invoicing and checks request process. These include one-off or occasional pay. Ad Hoc Payments are done ...
#53. What does Ad Hoc mean? -
Ad hoc is a Latin phrase meaning "for this". It generally signifies a solution designed for a specific problem or task, non-generalizable, and not intended ...
#54. Ad Hoc Analysis and Testing: Definition - Statistics How To
Ad hoc means “for a particular purpose only.” Ad Hoc Analysis is used in business intelligence to answer a specific question at a specific ...
#55. 1 Translation result for ad hoc in Spanish
Example sentences of. ad hoc adjective · The mayor appointed an ad hoc committee to study the project. · We had to make some ad hoc changes to the plans. · We'll ...
#56. ad hoc - Chinese translation – Linguee
Many translated example sentences containing "ad hoc" – Chinese-English dictionary and search engine for Chinese translations.
#57. Ad Hoc Research | Insights Association
Research that is specifically designed to address a particular problem or issue. Ad hoc research is usually conducted when there is insufficient existing ...
#58. Ad Hoc Committee - Rights of Persons with Disabilities - the ...
11: The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to consider the need for a definition of "communication" (separate from draft Article 13 on Freedom of Expression and Opinion) ...
#59. What is Ad Hoc Reporting and Analysis? Meaning & Examples
Ad hoc analysis is a business intelligence (BI) procedure that serves to provide answers to specific, standalone business challenges or ...
#60. Ad Hoc Judge - Oxford Public International Law
A court or tribunal without regular judges cannot, by definition, have ad hoc judges. 2 As an additional defining characteristic, a judge ad hoc in an ...
#61. Definition: Ad Hoc Research
Ad Hoc Research ... Research designed for a specific purpose and specific client, and conducted as a one-off study or programme of studies (as opposed to being ...
#62. Ad-hoc Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
Ad hoc is a Latin word meaning “to this.” Common examples of Ad hoc include committees or commissions created for a specific purpose.
#63. Facilitators and barriers to ad hoc team performance - NCBI
Most teams in hospital medicine are ad hoc, meaning that the teams vary in participants. Ad hoc teams can be found in academic teaching hospitals where team ...
#64. Ad Hoc | Binance Academy
Ad Hoc | Definition: The phrase 'ad hoc' is a phrase of Latin origin that is used in modern English to mean 'for this purpose' or 'specifically for this.'
#65. What are Ad-Hoc Requests? Managing Ad-Hoc Projects | Adobe
An ad-hoc project is used to describe work that has been formed or used for a special and immediate purpose, without previous planning. Mid-project and ad-hoc ...
#66. Thomas Keller Restaurant Group
The name Ad Hoc, literally meaning “for this purpose,” derives from the restaurant's original purpose: to temporarily fill a space while Chef Keller's team ...
#67. Legal Meaning of Ad Hoc - Definitions
This article explains the legal definition of Ad Hoc and how it applies to the law. ... adj. latin phrase meaning “for this purpose only.
#68. What Does Ad Hoc Mean and How to Use it in the Right ...
Ad Hoc is a Latin phrase and literally means 'For this' or 'Towards This'. When one confers from this term, it directly translates to 'For this purpose (only)'― ...
#69. ad hoc中文, ad hoc是什麼意思:特別地
ad hoc 中文::特別地;特設;特別的…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋ad hoc的中文翻譯,ad hoc的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#70. Understanding Ad Hoc Processes
Ad Hoc Processes consist of a series of activities which cannot be predefined. In such Processes, users must be able to decide what to do and when to do it, and ...
#71. ad hoc 什么意思? Mandarin Chinese-English Dictionary ...
For or concerned with one specific purpose. Often improvised or impromptu. (副) As an adverb. Ad hoc. Part of Speech, (形) adjective ...
#72. Travel Management Ad Hoc Approvals | PairSoft
Ad -Hoc means formed, arranged, or done for one particular purpose only. It comes from Latin, meaning “for this.” When applied to the approval process, it refers ...
#73. AD HOC COMMITTEES (Work Groups) I. DEFINITION - calbhbc
DEFINITION : Ad hoc committees: A. Serve only a limited or single purpose. B. Are time limited and are dissolved when their specific task is completed.
#74. Ad hoc Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)
Ad hoc Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब) · ad hoc = तदर्थ. Usage: The government appointed an ad hoc committee to look into the matter. · ad hoc ...
#75. Voraussetzungen der Ad-hoc-Publizitätspflicht - BaFin
Issuers within the meaning of Article 17 of the MAR. Under Article 17(1) of the MAR , issuers are subject to the ad hoc disclosure obligation.
#76. Creating an unstructured (ad hoc) activity - IBM
An ad hoc activity has no input wires and is started according to predefined preconditions, rather than by a predefined process flow. Such activities can be ...
#77. ad hoc synonyms with definition | Macmillan Thesaurus
Synonyms for 'ad hoc': random, arbitrary, spontaneous, accidental, instinctive, impromptu, coincidental, by accident, automatically, automatic.
#78. Ad Hoc Network - Glossary | CSRC - NIST Computer Security ...
Definition (s):. A wireless network that allows easy connection establishment between wireless client devices in the same physical area without the use of an ...
#79. Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group (AHTEG) - Biodiversity A-Z
Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group (AHTEG). Definition. Within the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), a group of experts convened once or ...
#80. Supercharge Your Ad Hoc Meetings - Mersive Solstice
Ad hoc meetings are one-off, unplanned gatherings that focus on a specific topic or discussion. These impromptu meetings don't offer time for planning and ...
#81. What does ad-hoc mean? - Quora
Answer:. Ad hoc is a word that originally comes from Latin and means “for this” or "for this situation." In current American ...
#82. ad hoc: Meaning and Definition of | Infoplease
concerned or dealing with a specific subject, purpose, or end: The ad hoc committee disbanded after making its final report. Random House Unabridged Dictionary, ...
#83. Ad hoc - Définition - Dictionnaire juridique
AD HOC DEFINITION Dictionnaire juridique. Définition de Ad hoc. en partenariat avec. Baumann Avocats Droit informatique. Expression latine qualifiant un acte ...
#84. ad hoc - PlanetMath
Examples · 1. an ad hoc definition is a temporary definition that might be useful for the discussion at hand. For instance, let a nice set be a ...
#85. What is another word for "ad hoc"? - WordHippo
Find 760 synonyms for "ad hoc" and other similar words that you can use instead based on 7 separate contexts from our thesaurus..
#86. Ad hoc : Définition simple et facile du dictionnaire - L'Internaute
Qui convient parfaitement à une situation, à un usage, à un moment précis. Exemple : Une société ad hoc, une commission ad hoc, un ...
#87. Ad-Hoc 管理檔案傳輸- MOVEit
MOVEit Ad Hoc Transfer 為終端用戶提供了一種安全且符合法規要求的方式,使用他們的瀏覽器或Outlook,以IT 部門可見和管理的方式快速向其他人發送任何大小的消息和 ...
#88. ad hoc - Translation and Meaning in Almaany English Arabic ...
ad hoc - Translation and Meaning in All English Arabic Terms Dictionary · مخصَّص · لهدف · محدد · مرتجل · من · أجل · مناسب · مَوْضِعِي ...
#89. DWP ad hoc research - GOV.UK
Ad hoc research reports are usually shorter than our standard research reports and are produced from smaller pieces of work. They include:.
#90. ad hoc meaning in telugu - KitkatWords
ad hoc Definitions and meaning in English. adjective: often improvised or impromptu; for or concerned with one specific purpose; for a specific purpose. adverb:.
#91. ad hoc - Macquarie Dictionary
adjective 1. for this (special purpose); an ad hoc committee is one set up to deal with one subject only (opposed to omnibus).
#92. Definition of ad hoc - online dictionary powered by ...
Tips: When something is done for one, specific purpose, without regard for wider or future application, it is considered ad hoc. Usage Examples: We did not have ...
#93. The meaning of treaty authorisation and ad hoc consent for ...
Treaties authorising military assistance serve as an argument for the legality of military presence, deter enemies, prove political ...
#94. Submitting Ad Hoc Data and Saving the Grid Definition
You can update data in the cube by submitting changed data from ad hoc grids. ... Save Grid Definition saves the ad hoc grid.
#95. Define: Ad Hoc Committee - Payroll Heaven
Full Definition of Ad Hoc Committee ... An Ad Hoc Committee is a temporary committee formed for a specific task or objective and dissolved after ...
#96. Ad-hoc meaning substitution (AMS). - ResearchGate
Download scientific diagram | Ad-hoc meaning substitution (AMS). from publication: Ad-hoc Meaning Substitution Causes Shape and Material Biases ...
ad hoc meaning 在 Ad hoc Meaning - YouTube 的美食出口停車場
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